Aristeo profile

Hello, I'm Aristeo Ibarra

Full Stack Developer

I am a fullstack web developer with experience in the development of web and mobile applications with technologies such as React, React Native, Node.js, Express, MongoDB, MySQL.


ITMAZ Official Page
Nasa App
Personal Website

About me

Hello ✌️, my name is Aristeo Ibarra 🇲🇽 , I am a fullstack web developer, with experience in developing an idea from start to finish, from design to implementation. I love creating intuitive and attractive user experiences. 🧑‍💻 I have worked with technologies such as React, React Native, Node, Express, MongoDB, MySQL, Next, PHP.

⭐️ I consider myself a self-taught person, with great learning and adaptation capacity to new technologies. I like to work in a team, I am always open to new ideas and suggestions.

✅ I like to share my knowledge and learn from others. I am open to new job opportunities where I can contribute, learn and grow as a developer. If you have a good opportunity that matches my skills, do not hesitate to contact me.



Web Pages

Web Pages

Creation of web pages from scratch, with responsive design and optimized for SEO.

Mobile Applications

Mobile Applications

Creation of hybrid mobile applications with React Native, for Android and iOS.



Maintenance of web pages and applications, content update, error correction and performance improvements.


ITMAZ Official Page

ITMAZ Official Page

Web page (CMS) for the Instituto Tecnológico de Mazatlán, with information on educational programs, news, events, photo and video gallery.

It has a dashboard to manage the content of the page, with a system of roles and permissions for users.

The website is optimized for SEO and has a responsive design for mobile devices.


Nasa App

Nasa App

Nasa App is a hybrid multiplatform web app, that uses the NASA API to show information such as:

  • Astronomical image of the day.
  • Astronomical events.
  • Near earth asteroids.
  • Mars rover photos.


IonicReactTypescriptNasa API
Personal Website

Personal Website

My first portfolio website, built with NextJs, React, Typescript and Tailwind.

It has a blog, where I write about my projects, my experiences and my learning process.

It is a static website, hosted on Vercel, with a continuous deployment pipeline.



Other Noteworthy Projects

PHP API with Lumen

REST API with Lumen and PHP, using Mysql as database.


Blog with Prismic(CMS)

Blog with Prismic as CMS, using Nextjs and Tailwindcss.


Express API with Typescript

REST API with Express and Typescript, using Mongodb as database and Docker for deployment and development.


Notifications Page

A simple notifications page, built with React and Typescript.




© 2022 Designed & Built by Aristeo Ibarra